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Visual Studio Code Basics

Visual Studio Code is a free coding editor available for Windows, macOS or Linux.

Table of contents

  1. Visual Studio Code Basics
    1. Installation
    2. Frequently used commands
    3. Extensions


Perform the following actions to start working:

  1. Download Visual Studio Code: VS Code.
  2. Open New File in the top left corner and save it as Markdown (.md) on your computer in the selected location.
  3. Open your file in VS Code to start writing. Use preview function selecting open preview to the side in the top right corner.

Frequently used commands

Below you can find the important software settings which help properly manage your work in VS Code:

  • To display commands, using your keyboard select Shift+Ctrl+p (on Windows) or Cmd+p (on Mac).
  • To display whitespace symbols select in the main panel: View > RenderWhitespace.
  • Document navigation: select Outline or Shift+Ctrl+P using your keyboard.
  • To display suggestion select Ctrl+Space on your keyboard.
  • To format suggestions: using your keyboard select Shift+Ctrl+P > Preferences: ConfigureLanguage SpecificSettings > Markdown > “editor.suggest.showWords” and change true into false.


There are many extensions available in VS Code used to facilitate your work. To create automatic table of contents use the extension Markdown All In One.

  1. To install the extension, select View, next Extensions, then Markdown All In One and install it.
  2. To create a table of contents, select Shift+Ctrl+P on your keyboards and Create Table of Contents.
  3. To format your document, select Shift+Ctrl+P on your keyboards and Format Document.